Oh wait first we must have a most random and confusing and most delightful catch up post. :) Prepare yourself to enjoy. LOL. What have I been doing you might ask(well besides NOT blogging)? I'm going to start with the most current and hopefully hit the highlights of the last few weeks. Today I took the State of Utah Notary exam. Yes I did it and I have no idea if I passed or not. I'll find out sometime in the next week....in the snail mail. I'm not very good at taking tests and can never tell by just going by how it felt so I have no idea if I did well or not. I'll keep you posted...maybe not if the news is bad and I have to take it again. JK. I'm just nervous because you can only miss like 4 questions. But luckily for me my next week might be busy enough I'll have no time to wonder about it and it's doing one of my favorite things.
People think I'm odd for a lot of reasons and one of them is probably because I love to go to cow shows. I like the work. Every year when show season starts, which is around the second week in April, I start bugging Ben about when we get to start clipping cows. This year has been interesting though because of the cold and we didn't want to freeze the poor things by cutting off all their hair so we put it off as long as we could. I don't know what it is about shows and the work but I find it fun. I couldn't and wouldn't do it all year but now again it's just fantastic.
Okay so that covers the highlights of this week...last week...let me look at my calendar..lol. Yes I'm one of those people that has to remind themselves what they did just yesterday let alone last week. :) So I write everything down in a planner and I'd be lost without it. Oh yes last week was the Sedar and Passover prep and firefighting training. Okay Sharon took some pictures of me in my turnouts....don't laugh.

Well now we're all caught up. On to the future...I'll try to be a better blogger.
Crystal - you look AWESOME in your yellow uniform! You know - studying to be a firefigher takes discipline - maybe you have more than yo think ;)
Blogging seems to be the ONLY thing I'm disciplined about. Hee. ☺ Good luck on the notary thing, I hope you passed!
Are you having fun with the firefighting stuff?
Crystal, I'm trying to be more disciplined about my blogging also... It's harder than it should be, lol.
Yeah...you can see how good I am at it too. My excuse is that my life is really, really, rutine. Not that much happens on a daily basis. :-P
You guys all need to be more disciplined about blogging. I never let more than five years pass between posts. ;)
Crystal, we'll have to have a discussion about the notary exam when I get home. It better not be too hard. :)
Jenny-thank you for saying those kind words. ;)
Net- Luckly with the notary exam if I didn't pass I get to spend 30 dollars and take it again. :) Another day, another dollar. And yes I'm liking the firefighting stuff. So far mostly book work but I've liked the studying...go figure...I find it interesting.
Janille-I know. Why does it seem so difficult. I can talk and talk and talk but not blog? Doesn't seem to make any sense. :)
Rose-I once had a thought that my life was rutine....but then I actually thought about my life and almost laughed out loud. :) I like your blog keep it up!
Kenneth-I'll be looking forward to our discussion about the notary exam. I'm going to tell you to start studying so that when I find out I didn't pass it you can take it and get 100%. ;) And then I will continue to be bitter about how smart you are. Whaaa....whine whine, that's all I do.
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