On the trip up to Ogden we listened to sports radio and now I'm back to watching the Jazz. Yes that's what I needed. :)I spent three days with Ben and John and I'm back to being the worlds biggest Jazz fan. LOL. Once we were at the fairgrounds the plan was to set up the clipping area, making room for the feed, create the bed for the cows ,and get the cows washed and resting in record time. I'll just post some pictures to help tell the story....
Our happy cows after the long day.
Our happy fitter after a long day. :)
Day 3. Chandra and Christain came in to help is out(Thursday)...THANK YOU! And Chandra and I took the early shift on show day and took care of the cows. These are some fantastic action shots of Chandra catching poop and looking great! :) (it was 3 am...there are reasons there are NO pictures of me...hee hee)
Christian showing his heifer. He did a fantastic job!
And that's about that. It was tons of work and it was fun. Annette got some great pictures and you'll have to check out her blog...except I somehow always look like a scary lady at cow shows. I have this problem… I like cow shows but on show day when it comes down to time to get things done and get the cows ready to go, I turn into a grumpy lady. Maybe grumpy isn't the right word, focused. That sounds nicer....I like to get the cows ready to go the way they should and I get tunnel vision when it comes to getting the job done. And believe me I have had to apologize on many occasion. Anyhoo, let’s not focus on the less wonderful points...let’s just say I'm grateful that I have people that put up with me and even say they love me. ;)
Great picture story...☺. I have to say that shows are fun, even though you have to keep reminding yourself of that when you're so tired you want to lay down on a poopy cement floor and fall asleep. Heh.
That sounds like a lot of work. Just reading that exhausts me. lol
Good Job!
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