Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 16, 17 and 18

Day 16


Day 17

I'm grateful for Sabbath. I have a difficult time just doing nothing and relaxing but when I wake up Sunday morning I'm always refreshed and ready for a new week. So as much as I struggle through the rest and relaxation, it works! ;)

Day 18

Right now I'm just thankful to be heading to bed after a long day at work. My brain is a little fried. Gotta love working on fixed assets. Lots of numbers and now I just want to shut it off and get some sleep. Am I making an cents...scents....sense...since....night.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 14 and 15

Day 14

I'm thankful for safe travel and the simplicity of living in the country. I went to the big city and couldn't believe how many people were just everywhere. I'm apparently not used to being in the city and sharing my space with so many people. In some ways this makes me sad but in most ways it just makes me want to go home to my small country life. Don't get me wrong, I love shopping with the best of people but at the end of the day (and a long drive) I really like having my space. ;)

Day 15

Today I'm grateful for maturity and my journey.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 12 and 13

Day 12

I'm thankful for Mondays that don't feel like Mondays. ;)

Day 13

I'm grateful for coffee. There is simply nothing that cures the cold morning like a hot cup of coffee. When I woke up this morning my weather app said the temperature outside was 19 degrees but felt like 8 degrees. So, I made coffee and walked out of the house and never felt 8 degrees. A wonderful day.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Days 8, 9, 10, 11

Really? Wow the days go flying by!

Okay I'm going to list somethings(that I can remember) that I'm thankful for over the last couple days. Randomly ;).

My mom. She came home from taking care of my grandparents and it was really great to see her and get my momma hug. Also, while she was home I asked her to make some throw pillows for the living room. She is super fantastic! (I'll post pictures of the living room after I get the pictures in Tuesday's mail.)

Friends. Okay so Kenneth and Cary helped me rearrange the offices down stairs which required heavy lifting, changing plugs, hauling a desk from a far, and many more wonderful things(none of which either of them had to do). ;) Thank you guys, you're fantastic!

I'm grateful that after changing the office around and reorganizing things, the offices are mostly put together and are ready for the new week. Time to get back to "real" work. ;)

I'm grateful for Saturday afternoons. I love to just hang out with friends and talk or watch TV and relax on Saturday afternoons. Thank you Rosaleen for coming to visit, it was great to see you!

Today is Veteran's Day and I'm grateful for those who serve our country. I'm grateful for my brother who served in the Army and went to Iraq. I will never fully know what that took for you to do that but I'm very grateful that you were brave enough to face fear and serve. Love you!

Well I'm ready for a new week and getting some sleep. ;)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 6 and Day 7

Day 6

I'm thankful that every night isn't like election night. I'd have no fingernails and a massive headache. (Also the reason I don't watch sports....not to compare electing the next President of the United States to watching a basketball game....)  ;)

Day 7

Today I'm very grateful that I don't live next to a grocery store. I'd be ill from all the snack foods that sound fantastic right now and I'd also be penny less....somemore ;).

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5

Day 5:

Today I'm thankful for technology. I know it's a bit of a wide category but I really, really do enjoy my computer, my ipod, accounting software, wireless internet, TV, etc. And really without my camera how could I capture these moments and share them with you. ;)  You're welcome.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Okay so for this month I figured I'd post everyday what I'm thankful for. I've seen people do it on Facebook but I wanted more room to ramble. So here are the first couple of days:

Day 1- I'm thankful for my job or jobs :). I have to remind myself of this on the first day of the month because it's usually crazy busy. I really am grateful for my office job. I love the work and it keeps me intrigued. My other jobs, well, I'm glad I get to do them because I get to help out but nothing feeds my brain like accounting.

Day 2- I'm thankful for the weeks that I get to mark off all my “to do” items as done. Those are great weeks!

Day 3- Books. I love reading but I have a little bit of a problem. That problem is that when I start reading a book I usually have to matter how long it takes and I'm not a fast reader. So I found myself up too late, reading in the morning before coffee, reading all afternoon ...pretty much I spent my whole weekend reading and it was fantastic!

Day 4- I'm thankful for a clean house and the smell of clean laundry. Going along with this is the gratitude for the house I'm now living in and the fact that when I clean it I can tell. I don't miss the days in the Shack where I would clean and wonder what I had just done. Love my new space!


How do you know that you're doing the right thing?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

So I got some great news cancer!

Also I wanted say Happy Birthday to my wonderful Grandpa Wes! I love you.

Saturday, October 20, 2012



It's crazy how time goes by so quickly. I was thinking today about everything that's happened in just the last three months and I'm blown away. Let me fill you in but it's not going to be in order because frankly I have a rubbish memory for these things (also last week could have been three weeks ago for all I know).

Okay I had purple hair for a month or two or a while. I know it sounds odd but I've always wanted to try it. I wanted purple purple not kinda purple or purple black. Even odder, I don't really like the color purple. I mean it's a good color and all but I usually don't pick it for much unless it's hair color. I know I question my sanity too.....
I've had to change my hair color back to black-ish,blue-ish, I-don't-know-what-the-heck-this-color-is-ish because I don't have the time to dye my hair every week, which is a great segue-way into my next story....

I went to the dentist in June or some month at the beginning of the summer for a cleaning and was told I needed to get a crown (not the good kind where I get to act like a princess...some more) among some other things. So I went to the dentist in June, July, and August. This was not only painful physically and financially but it also took up my time. So imagine my surprise when in September I started getting pressure in my jaw on the left side and it turned out to be an abscessed tooth and I needed a root canal. Go me!

On the same day I got my root canal finished and the temporary crown put on I also started experiencing some lower back pain. Okay I've had shoulder pain on and off since my cancer removal in 2006 and with the exclusion of a couple short encounters with some back spasms I have never experienced pain like this. By the time I got home from visiting Rosaleen, Tara, and Sharon in Cedar City for the weekend, I was in severe pain. I couldn't bend over or reach very far, I couldn't sit, I couldn't stand very long, I could barely walk, I had such bad nerve pain in my right leg I wanted to cry, and nothing I did or didn't do, or any medication I took would take the pain away. So I went to the doctor and got the sad news that it would probably not go away in a couple of days and that I needed walk it off (put as gently as he could). There was going to be no quick fix. Oh goody. Meanwhile at the same appointment the doctor noticed a mole on my back that he thought should be removed given my history with melanoma. Oh goody. As a person that has been diagnosed with cancer in the past I have a lot of fear when it comes to even looking at the possibility of facing it again. I know that I have a loving Heavenly Father that has me in His hands and that brings peace but I still have my freak out times.

Meanwhile other things were going on. I mentioned the weekend with Rosaleen, Tara, and Sharon. That was fantastic. I have such great friends in my life and at times don't have the words or a way to really express their importance to me in my life. It amazes me at times how God knows us so well that even before we know he knows and provides the exact thing we need. I also mentioned the State Fair. As always it was tons of work with little to NO sleep but fantastic all the same. Odd I know. Also at some point in September, Sharon and I got the news that we were going to be moving to the house next door and out of The Shack. So among the dental appointments, doctor appointments, back pain, work, work, and work, there was also painting, cleaning, packing, shopping, and moving to be done. And among it all were some outstanding blessings.

I'm sitting in my new (to me) house listening to the faint sound of wind and enjoying my new couch. My back is doing a lot better. I still have some numbness in my right foot and struggle to sit for long periods, but I'm able to walk-ish, drive my tractor, put on my sock, tie my shoe, bend over, and sleep. All great things. Through all of this I've just been feeling a great sense of gratitude. I don't know why it takes my life being turned upside down and shaken like a snow globe to get my attention, but it does sometimes. I find that I have fantastic friends and family willing to help and that I need to let them. I've found a great peace in the overwhelming love of God. I've found beauty in the simplest things, such as the ability to sit and stand up. I've learned that the strength gained from relying on others is not a weakness. Once again I'm reminded that I am not superwoman nor do I need to be because I'm not in control: God is. As I wait to find out if I have cancer, I remember that facing one's death is a great learning tool for how to live one's life.