Photo #1 Miss Jessica..LOL
Photo #2 Ben....hee hee...good stuff.
Photo #3
Photo #4
Our happy cows after the long day.
Our happy fitter after a long day. :)
Day 3. Chandra and Christain came in to help is out(Thursday)...THANK YOU! And Chandra and I took the early shift on show day and took care of the cows. These are some fantastic action shots of Chandra catching poop and looking great! :) (it was 3 am...there are reasons there are NO pictures of me...hee hee)
Christian showing his heifer. He did a fantastic job!
And that's about that. It was tons of work and it was fun. Annette got some great pictures and you'll have to check out her blog...except I somehow always look like a scary lady at cow shows. I have this problem… I like cow shows but on show day when it comes down to time to get things done and get the cows ready to go, I turn into a grumpy lady. Maybe grumpy isn't the right word, focused. That sounds nicer....I like to get the cows ready to go the way they should and I get tunnel vision when it comes to getting the job done. And believe me I have had to apologize on many occasion. Anyhoo, let’s not focus on the less wonderful points...let’s just say I'm grateful that I have people that put up with me and even say they love me. ;)