We did find some wonderful early signs of Spring among the dead leaves and dirt. A good sign of things to come. Soon I hope. Even though as I type this on Saturday afternoon it looks more like winter wonderland outside then spring. Oh and I LOVE watching the wind blow snow into my house under my front door. Oh the joys....I just look at this picture and think Spring. SPRING!

Kenneth, you are so welcome for the photo blog of your day! LOL. Hee hee. It makes me smile. Anyway, on my way home from work last night I noticed that there is only one light holding out from last year. I spent, I don't even want to know how many hours, rewiring those wonderful(stupid) pathway lights last Mayish(?) and they have slowly all been burning out on me, and alas the one remains. I guess it is time to get busy and replace some light bulbs...when did this become my new permanent job? Oh the joys of community life :) I say that with ALL the love in the world.
I'm sorry this post is kinda just jumping all over the place but this is how my brain has been working when I'm not at work lately so bear with me if you haven't already given up and stopped reading.
I've been doing some thinking about home lately. What makes home? Where home is. Is home a physical place? Can you make home anywhere? I don't think there are simple answers to these questions because I can have my physical house, okay shack, that is my home but I still feel at home at my parents house. In many ways when I go to Logan I feel at home, just not to the same degree. Also at times like right now my shack feels less like home without Sharon but it's still my house. I feel at home in my office of all places, granted I have made my office very much my own space. Then there are those times when I look out my office window and see this view and take a deep breath and feel home.

All the decisions we have to make as adults can kind of stink sometimes. I guess we just have to be thankful that we have the choice. ☺
I very much struggle with the "home" issue. Personally, EskDale is always home, no matter where I've lived. Granted, after visiting EskDale for days on end I start to want my house, but that is more of a personal space issue. heh.
I used to think that you could make your home wherever you wanted it, but I've changed my mind on that, for myself anyway. I can physically make my home somewhere else, but my heart isn't in it. I guess EskDale is my home and maybe it's supposed to be that way.
Sorry for the book.
Good luck with all that soul searching. ☺
Great pictures Crystal :)
You can visit me (us) if you get bored ;)
We need our Crystal fix every once in a while...
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