First, I am a certified, fully licensed Utah State Notary. I retook the test got 100%, whoo-hoo!, got bonded, the state gave me a certificate, and I got a stamp! Wow there's a sentence for ya. Anyhoo, I can now notarize. I haven't yet but I could.
Secondly, since my last post I have been terrible at taking pictures. I've been leaving that up to others and trying to remember what it is I'm supposed to be getting done. I hope this syndrome stops now that the Feast is over. Anyhoo, this usually isn't a problem because there are other people around that love taking pictures until I'm at the Western National Black and White cow show with Ben and John. This show is in Richmond(that's a few miles north of Logan) and this year it happened to be a week before Shavout. This show is huge. People from Canada, Washingtion, California, Wisconsin, etc come and it's an interesting show. Sorry there's not was cool. I'll blame Ben. ;)
Okay onward. To the photo blog of my life.
I got this herb growing kit to start things in the house because outside can't make up it's mind.
It came with these pellets for the dirt and you just add water.
And look it made chocolate pudding.
The Thursday before the Feast weekend, hey I'm surprised I remember it was a Thursday, we had supper over at the Shack and once again enjoyed the great outdoors. It was kinda cold and more than kinda windy but nothing was stopping us now.
Sharon enjoying the Seasons...all four in a half hour.
We have a birds living at the Shack.
They've made their home. And they sing in the early mornings.....and meet us as we walk out the door. I've painted a pretty picture if only it where true.
Last Thursday I went hiking up Baker Creek and had a good time. I decided I need to take more time to do things like that. So I've scheduled them But really it actually turned out to be a beautiful day up there while the winds were blowing like crazy in the valley. So enjoy some of my nature photos in closing. I'll try to post again soon. I'm off to play with a crazy cute niece of mine.