Friday, December 31, 2010

5 years and counting!

There are moments in life where you will always remember what you were doing at the moment when.....

Examples: I will always remember the morning of September 11, 2001. I remember what I was doing, where I was, and who told me about the terrorist attacks that morning. I will always remember what, where, and when I found out that my Great Grandma Doutre died.

Just like in those moments, I will never forget the moment on December 29, 2005 when I heard the words "you have cancer". In some ways it feels like yesterday but in alot of ways it feels like a lifetime ago. Time is funny that way. So around this time every year I tend to look over my life with gratitude. I thank God for the blessings of early detection and healing. But what is even more powerful when I look back at my life since then is the impact not just on my physical body but on my heart, spirit, mind, etc. I don't know if it's just through the natural maturity of just getting older or the way facing cancer changed the way I look at life but whatever it is I barely recognize myself from 5 years ago.

So to celebrate the 5 year mark I did a little photo shoot with Sharon. I don't really like taking pictures but I thought it might be fun to look back and then see me now.

September 2005
January 2006-Getting ready for surgery.

 Graduation Picture- March 2006

December 29, 2010- I know it's a jump and there are alot of times in between....

 The Diet Coke commercial :)

Sharon- Thank you! Eventhough I felt awkward getting my picture taken, I had fun hanging out with you. 

Well HAPPY NEW YEARS everyone!! I hope to be better at blogging. I know I say that everytime I post but really I'm going to try harder. :)

I have the best family and friends and I thank you for all the love and support! LOVES.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Johnson Lake and Osceola Ditch Hikes

We started on the Snake Creek side for our Johnson Lake hike.

I found this interesting and actually both of the tress were both still alive.

This is as high as we could go. :( It was about a third of a mile from the lake. SO close. BUT we still did alot of hiking and climbed ALOT of elevation(or so it felt) :).

Check out that elevation change. It was fun! I'd do it again.

The next week it was really cold the day we were supposed to go hiking so we went to Osceola, which I've never actually seen, and put in more distance rather than elevation. And that we did...10 miles or so, from one side over to Strawberry Creek. It was pretty but alot of it had to do with all the flowers out.

I really like this picture.

Huge ant hill.

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Mill Creek on the way back.